Domain Name:
Inspiration: My Vegan Friend Nate! Vegans have got to be some of the strongest people I know. I hope someone builds this Brand to offer Vegans products, support and respect they deserve!
Premium Benefits
- Short!
- Easy to Say
- Spells like it sounds – This is important for radio and other advertising that will reach “listeners”.
- .com – it is the #1 domain
- Contains a Highly Searched Keyword
Added Value
- Evokes an emotion or call to action
- Rolls off the tongue
- Sounds Hot
Clear ~ Logical ~ Apparent: The term “Lone Vegan” is a great choice for blogging, selling, supporting Vegans in their quest to stay the course. Vegans are constantly asked stupid questions and very often, their needs go unmet in the home and office. A place for Vegans to access instant support or vent their frustrations can be built with Affiliate Marketers would benefit from the typically high cost of items associated with being Vegan. From snack foods and beverages to shoes, belts, purses, recipes…endless possibilities.
Alternative ~ Subtle~ Ironic: How about an app or program that connects nearby single vegans for a meat-free lunch date.
Clever ~ Intellectual ~ Abstract: The world could definitely use a glowing skin, Cartoon/Comic Superhero Vegan who saves animals and makes people healthy again! It’s ready to be born at!
This Sale Includes
- The Domain Name
- Featured logo (if desired)
Thanks for looking!
For smoothest and fastest transfer of this domain, we recommend the purchasers have a GoDaddy account. It is free to sign up at GoDaddy and it is where this domain was originally registered. Therefore, the transfer process from us to you will be fastest and smoothest if we use the GoDaddy transfer services (5-7 days). If you do not want to use the GoDaddy transfer service platform, that’s okay too, but please allow up to 15 business days (or longer) depending on your provider.
See Terms of Sale for more information.
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