Domain Name:
An illness that no Doctor of Western Medicine could solve led me to investigate alternative treatments and it opened my eyes to a whole new world! If you’re scratching your head wondering why this Domain name is worth more than a penny than it’s very likely you’ve never experienced the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Practitioners of TCM use acupuncture, tonics, massage and diet to balance QI (Pronounced ‘Chee’).
Premium Benefits
- Highly Brandable
- Highly Searched
- Captive Audience
- Short & Sweet Domain Name
- .com – it is the #1 domain
Added Value
- Enormous Multi-Use Brand Potential
- It means something to those searching TCM QI
Clear ~ Logical ~ Apparent: Perfect for a Licensed Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine who wants to explain and advertise how their services balance and move stagnant Qi. The sale of Acupuncture Pens, moxibustion, tonics, herbs, cupping equipment would do well with this captive, interested audience. Would also help get acupuncture clients.
This Sale Includes
- The Domain Name
- A Featured logo (if desired)
Thanks for looking!
For smoothest and fastest transfer of this domain, we recommend the purchasers have a GoDaddy account. It is free to sign up at GoDaddy and it is where this domain was originally registered. Therefore, the transfer process from us to you will be fastest and smoothest if we use the GoDaddy transfer services (5-7 days). If you do not want to use the GoDaddy transfer service platform, that’s okay too, but please allow up to 15 business days (or longer) depending on your provider.
See Terms of Sale for more information.
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